Friday 18 May 2018

Territorial disputes: the Israel-Palestine difference (Part 20) [Post 60]


It is arguably a truism in international law and politics that an ultimate sovereign, with a common legal bond or system of norms, will govern one territory with population. What would happen if that one territory and population had two ultimate and hierarchically equal sovereigns (legally speaking) and, at the same time, two valid sets of norms?  Would it be possible, for instance, that Israel and Palestine had sovereign authority at the same time over Jerusalem?

If the answer were positive, what would the consequences be—in terms of territory, population, government and law?

So far, we have introduced the Israel-Palestine difference in the context of this blog series about TERRITORIAL DISPUTES.

Today I include a short video to introduce myself, discuss a few points and share some thoughts. Next week: territory (defence), government and law in relation to the Israel-Palestine difference and now the EGALITARIAN SHARED SOVEREIGNTY would apply to them to solve the dispute.

Previous posts of the TERRITORIAL DISPUTE series (only about the Israel-Palestine difference below):


Jorge Emilio Núñez

Twitter: @London1701

18th May 2018

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